Promoting Youth Wellbeing Through Social Connection & Occupational Justice

Our Approach
Building meaningful relationships that foster support, resilience, and a sense of belonging
Promoting quality of life and opportunities to cultivate a sense of meaning and purpose
Mental Health Equity
Ensuring accessible, culturally competent mental health care and therapeutic resources
Occupational Justice
Advocating for access and creating meaningful activities for health and participation
Learn More. Welcome to C4CC.
C4CC began with an idea to create a place and a space for cultivating well-being and belonging among youth in North Carolina.
Who We Are
Center for Community Connection is led by a volunteer Board of Directors, Advisory Committee, and Youth Leadership Council. Plus, core to our innovative program model, the C4CC Mental Health Provider Network of licensed mental health professionals.
All are committed to promote well-being among youth in North Carolina through accessible, affordable, farm- and community-based holistic mental health care and therapeutic workshops.
2022 Psychiatric Times Article: New Position Statement on Trauma-Responsive Care for Youth
Kaiser Family Foundation's 2024 Article: Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Mental Health Care: Findings from the KFF Survey of Racism, Discrimination and Health
2022 AOTA Article: Justice-Based OT: Advancing Occupational Justice Through a Collaborative Network
Video: TedTalk The Hidden Magic of Occupational Therapy

Make a Donation
Invest in C4CC - an innovative solution to the
youth mental health crisis in North Carolina